tatiana Franklin
Certified Life Coach + Associate Pranic Healer + Spiritual Business Owner
I am a channel and facilitator for healing, delivered to you in the form of Pranic Healing, Energy Coaching, Spiritual Intuitive messages and programmed crystals.
My purpose is to help you alleviate physical or emotional suffering. In my ideal world, we all heal, move on and lead our best life.
life-changing experiences and messages from beyond.
It was through becoming a certified professional coach that I realized I was more than a coach—I felt deep down, I was ready to understand what my gifts meant. I discovered that I am an Empath and highly sensitive person.
Accepting my gifts opened the door to my Spiritual Path. Discovering my ability to channel healing for others has been profoundly rewarding. I began as an Usui Reiki Master to heal my chronic migraines, but struggled to share my interest in "energy work." The universe patiently guided me to a transformative experience that propelled me into a new chapter.
Empowered by Tony Robbins to walk on red hot coals in a cold night in New Jersey, put me in the perfect state to be ready for my next assignment to be revealed to me. There I was, exhilarated and full of joy thinking this was just an amazing bucket list item I had just checked off my list, but the best was yet to come. The next day, Master Stephen Co got up on stage and talked about Pranic Healing. Master Co guided thousands of people, including me, through the most transformative meditation, called Twin Hearts meditation. The tears of pure joy and gratefulness were still running down my cheeks as I said to myself: I need to become a Pranic Healer and I want Master Stephen Co to be my teacher. So I enrolled in his classes and traveled to California to learn from him— one of the best decisions of my life. The training and the knowledge I gained allowed me to build up the self-confidence needed to come out of the “Healer closet.”
As I started incorporating Pranic Healing during my client sessions, a magical thing started happening too. During my sessions, I received messages and images from departed loved ones and guidance from Healing Angels. Surprisingly, these messages resonated with recipients! This allowed me to offer further insights, which clients greatly appreciated. I am truly thankful for this gift.
I currently focus on helping others through Pranic Healing, Coaching, crystals from my shop, Citrineprana.com, guided meditations for groups, continuing my spiritual training and traveling to visit family or explore new spiritual places.
If you have any questions for me, feel free to reach through my contact page!
how did i get here?
Born in Peru, I come from a spiritual lineage of cartomancers, empaths, and intuitives. My grandmother, a blue-eyed, smart and savvy cartomancer, supported her family with her Spanish deck readings and sessions using her Intuitive knowing. She was the equivalent of an oracle to her clientele, as she consistently predicted outcomes so accurately. My mother also relied on her intuition for important life and business decisions and always seemed to be a step ahead with her wit. While I grew up with these inherited gifts, I lacked the understanding and intentionality I now am grateful to have.
I always felt different as a child, deeply attuned to others' feelings. I often could observe when something was off. My childhood memories were a mix of birthday parties, beach camping, getting limpias from my mom or aunt, and attending obligatory bible study. However, I also faced severe asthma attacks, terrorist car bomb explosions, learned tolerance toward abuse, and loss.
When I was nine, my grandmother became suddenly ill. I started avoiding her for reasons I didn't understand. One day, I saw her lying in her bed, and her once vibrant blue eyes looked gray. This made me realize I was avoiding her because I knew her body didn't have much time left. I never told my mother, fearing it would upset her hopes for my grandmother's recovery. A few days later, my grandmother passed away.
braking free of patterns.
The two themes I grew up with were: we accept things we shouldn’t accept, and we don’t talk about any of those things. These themes made me mature into a young woman with “tough skin” and almost unemotional in the face of painful or stressful events. That meant that the same bravado fueling my independence, strong will and focus also led me to tolerate machismo, abusive relationships and a lot of emotional repression because I just had to be tough and push through.
I felt lost in my teenage years. By then, all my grandparents had died or were distant. My paternal grandparents were divorced and rarely visited, while my maternal grandparents were also divorced and preoccupied with their own lives. My dad was fully absorbed in his business, and my mom avoided tensions and was often out of the house. This pervasive absentism from important figures left me confused and unguided. In my 30’s I chose to change my life. I ended an emotionally abusive relationship, quit an unfulfilling job, and moved from a place that didn't align with my purpose.
I asked myself what to do next. I connected the dots… My whole life, I wanted to help others like I wished someone had helped me during my tough times. I left my stable job for a temporary one that gave me time and energy to take classes. Becoming a Certified Life Coach changed me deeply. I looked back at my early years and let myself feel all the emotions I had suppressed. I talked to my inner child, listened to her pain, and let her feel sadness and anger safely, with my adult self supporting her. I validated her feelings, showed her compassion, and promised that things would improve and life would offer new opportunities.
I have always loved purple amethyst, I personally find it very grounding. My personal collection includes a few purple, pink and green amethyst clusters. I also love citrine, its magnetism always attracted me - that’s part of the reason why I picked it for the name of my crystal business! I also love green fluorite as I find it super calming.
I have a deep love relationship with Italy. I love the language, food, culture and way of being. I have been to Italy 3 times (and I feel as though in those visits a different version of me got to see different places.) I could go to Italy every single year and I would not mind retiring there.
Meditation is at the top of my list. I’ve gotten to truly appreciate this practice because when I first tried to meditate (many years before getting into Pranic Healing), I was terrible at it! I didn’t know what I was doing, my mind would race or I would fall asleep. Now that meditation is at the core of my Arhatic Yoga training, it’s a time during my day that I look forward to, a time to create stillness, go within and connect with my higher soul and guides.
My daughter inspired me to add this question… my favorite colors are red, orange, yellow and purple. My favorite flavor is strawberry. Too many songs or movies to pick a favorite. My favorite thing to do is stare at the stars and moon. My favorite hobbies include lifting weights, cooking, decorating, photography and buying tiny cacti.