You can count on Tatiana to be there along the entire journey.

“Tatiana is a person of high character. She is trustworthy in how she relates and how she operated with clients. She grasps quickly the Strengths, value, and nature of the individual, the partnership, or the situation. Tatiana listens well and partners with the person to get to what they desire to achieve. She is great at helping the person layout a realistic plan and path to make substantive progress and accomplish small wins along their path to develop their true inner greatness as they achieve their overall objective. You can count on Tatiana to be there along the entire journey. Consistency, Loyalty, Diligent, Respect, and Genuine Care are key traits that characteristics of her work and Tatiana the person!”

— Ken and Cope, Principal, Ken Cope Consulting, LLC


"Tatiana helped me define the areas of my life that needed extra support."


Tatiana helped me develop the trust in myself to manage my transition to new and better work - work I am absolutely passionate about!